Yoga is as old civilization and it is believed to be purely Indian in origin. Yoga is easily understood as the union of the body with mind and the mind with the soul. It begins with the body and ends with soul. It also means the discipline if all the powers of the body, mind, intellect, emotions and will, giving poise of the would enabling one to look at aspects of life in an unruffled manner. It transforms the inert (Tamasic) body to the level to the level of vibrant (Rajasic) mind and than take both body and mind to be one with the serenity of the self or Soul.
Ayurveda, in Sanskrit means the ‘Science of Life’ A traditional science of health that’s been handed down through the centuries by ancient masters and physicians who understood the value of a healthy body. And the importance of fitness for a lifetime. Indeed Ayurveda was practiced as a means of restoring life to the body. Today, the benefits of Ayurveda are recognized the world over.