Shashi Travels & Tours Pvt. Ltd since 1985 Head office – Hotel Shashi International, Temple Lane, BodhGaya, Gaya, Bihar, India. We belong to Bodhgaya one of pioneer Buddhist Tour operator , We have office in India at Bodh Gaya / Varanasi / New Delhi and are associated all over India / Nepal / Bhutan /Bangkok / Tokyo. Our Company is Approved by the Ministry of Tourism / Bihar Tourism / IATA / JATA / TAAI / ASTINDO / PTAA along with License Non Scheduled Flight Clearance from DGCA.
Shashi group Air travel flights aims to deliver a level of service that is a step above what’s commonly experienced throughout the often-undependable transportation industry. Our business is built upon the importance of communication and availability. We are here to take care of you throughout each step in the scheduling and booking charter flights process. That is why our customer service team is on hand 7 days a weeks
Our Experience Ground Handling Agent for AIR INDIA:-
Gaya Airport Oct 2008 to 2016
Allahabad 2010 to 2013
Authorized for Non Scheduled Tourist Charter Flight operator
Partner for Tourist Charter flights :-
Thailand :– Thai Smile/ Thai Viet Jet/ City Air/ R. Airlines
Myanmar :- Asian Wings Airway/ MAI /MNA
Vietnam :- VietJet Air / Vietnam Airlines / Jet Star / Bamboo Air
Cambodia :- Sky wings Airways /
Mongolia:- MIAT Mongolia Airlines
Services Offered :-
Obtaining Landing & Overflying permits from Civil Aviation Authority.
Supervision of corporate and commercial jets in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos
Payment to all relevant authorities on behalf of our principal’s credit basis.
Provision of Flight Planning / Weather Forecast & Notams prior departure of the flight.
Provision of Ground handling services from Cessna to B-747 aircraft are arranged on pre-negotiated rates through authorized ground handling companies at any locations in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos.
Tourist Charter Aviation Services:-
CAA Permission
Ground Handling Service
Flight Plan Weather Brief Notams
Hotel Accommodation & Arrangement for Crew & Pex
Refueling Arrangement
Aircraft Charter Service
In Flight Catering
Types of aircraft handling:
Business corporate jets
Sate VVIP/VIP flights
Ambulance (Relief flights)
Demonstration aircrafts
Tourist Charter aircrafts
Cargo aircrafts
Aircraft Charted Services: Jets, Turbo Prop aircrafts, helicopter charter services and charter professional services are arranged on pre-negotiated rates for domestic & International operation.
Hotel Booking/Car/Security Services/Escort Service are arranged for passengers and Crew at various locations in India on pre-negotiated rates. Round a clock Aircraft personal security is arranged inside and outside Airport for Passengers and Crew members.
In flight catering and refueling are arranged as per instructions.
Liaison with State/Union Govt. of India for all matters pertaining to Customs immigration, Health Department., Security and Director General of tourism.
Obtaining slots from Airports Authority at all Airports
Assisting crew for filing the flight plan with the concerned ATC.